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average college instructor salary

average college instructor salary

average college instructor salary -

average college instructor salary. Average salary for assistant professors at the college is 59,700, which is 6,800 more than the average instructor salary of 52,900. The piece  I would not be surprised if the average adjunct makes less than the grad TA stipend The reason adjuncts are paid so little is that colleges and  AVERAGE SALARIES EQUATED TO 9-MONTH CONTRACTS OF FULL-TIME INSTRUCTIONAL INSTRUCTOR LECTURER Linn State Technical College. Professor, Postsecondary / Higher Education Department Chair (College . also face smaller salaries than the rest of the field — average earnings for these  For each district, the current regular faculty salary schedule, website on Fall, 2011 California Community College faculty salaries and rates. Salary. N. Professor. 40,905 224,412 112,408. 413. 113,960. 335. 105,746 . 25. 22. Historical Average Faculty Salaries. College of Agriculture. Average. Not professors. All full-time 45,927 arts University College Bournemouth . AVERAGE SALARY OF FULL-TIME ACADEMIC STAFF, 2010-11  You can help kids begin their education on the right foot with a job as a preschool teacher. Teachers study child psychology and development in college to learn how to Average salaries for full professors in history actually declined slightly at both public and private colleges and universities. At private colleges and universities,  Pay increases for college professors are slowly on the rise, but continue to lag far behind those of senior administrators and athletics leaders on  For the 2012-2013 school year, the average instructor salary at the University of Illinois at Chicago was 61,400, according to the Chronicle of 

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